Thursday, September 04, 2008

MOM: a PALINdrome

An actual letter from an actual conservative Republican. And I absolutely agree with the writer. Who says liberals and conservatives can't see things the same way? Text is word-for-word from the Dr. Laura (Schlesinger) website:


Dr. Laura,
I am aghast with the McCain VP selection. As a voting Conservative Republican, the proud mother of children that include a soldier and an airman (my soldier is deployed), and who is raising 3 additional children 13 and 6 year-old twins who have various disabilities, HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU LEAVE A DISABLED INFANT TO GO BACK TO WORK THE THIRD DAY, when you do NOT absolutely have to????? What kind of serious mother does that? She said her family came first. SHE LIED. I am so totally outraged with this I could scream. Did we want to win so badly that we would absolutely destroy the values of HOME, motherhood, family values? I am sickened by it all. Soccer mom? Unbelievable. Even the dad wasn't holding the baby. The child was carrying the baby. I'm sorry, was I foolish enough to have accepted such a nomination, I would have been carrying my baby. I think she is emotionally detached from the baby, personally. God Save America from itself and the craziness we do.ABTW, I gave up a career in corporate America to stay at home and raise these other little ones. A REAL MOM would have given up governorship, too. But that's my not-so-humble opinion.

The Palin nomination has made me feel many emotions and think many different thoughts in the space of just a few days. But ultimately, I think it just makes me feel sad. Sad for a 17 yr old girl whose entire life is now an open book for the hungry press. Sad for a special-needs infant who has already been toted around on various stages in the public eye in his own short life.

I absolutely believe that any woman should have the opportunity to have a career outside of the home AND have a family if she so chooses, and to create and maintain a balance that is liveable for all. But I also believe that you can't have 'everything' all at the same time. Because sometimes, or should I say often, what is 'liveable' isn't exactly perfect or easy for everyone involved. Does this woman from Alaska want too much for herself and her family all at once? Yes, I know that only she has the right to answer that question. And I realize that offers of the vice-presidency don't exactly land in your lap on a regular basis. But also this: To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) All evidence of political inexperience aside, is this a good time for the self-proclaimed hockey mom to take on the job of being a heartbeat away from "leader of the free world"? Just my Mom's-eye view on it.

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