Sunday, January 06, 2008

So Enchanted

Carys is ENCHANTED! Thanks to magical software, she has been transformed into Princess Giselle and Evil-Almost-Mother-in-Law Narissa. The image is supposed to move back and forth and wink and smile, but it wouldn't upload properly.
My girls and I have a favorite new movie! We finally saw Disney's Enchanted during our mini-vacation in the Dallas-Ft Worth area, and our entire family loved it! It's so appropriate for kids, families, anyone! It's a clever homage to every Disney Princess movie ever made, and at the same time, full of twists and turns and enough adult-ish humor to keep it from being saccharine.
Last night, we three piled on my bed and went online to the Enchanted website. We watched all the trailers, TV spots, behind-the-scenes videos, clips from the film and music videos. Then we played all the online games, including one where you can "enchant yourself." You upload your head shot and the email you some cool software where you can turn yourself into any one of they Enchanted characters or some of Disney's classic heroes, heroines or villains. It was great fun!
Finally, we did the Enchanted sing-along, where we watched the music videos again but this time the words appear for you. Thalia and Carys LOVE the Ever Ever After song by Carrie Underwood, and Carys said she was so beautiful in the video!
It was fun to cuddle with my daughters and do something really "girly" while Dylan watched basketball in the next room . . . !

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