Monday, June 26, 2006

The Cake Bu$ine$$

My friend Rachel emailed me the most fabulous cake decorating article. Apparently there is a new movie coming out (or already out in some cities) about 2 rival, high-end cake decorators! Cake ladies have hit the big time!!! I can't wait to see it. In the movie, the cake decorators charge something like $20,000 per cake, or $20/slice! I wish . . . ! Actually, I have definitely noticed a growing interest in cake decorating in the 8 years since I started, and judging from the recent demand for new, technically challenging Wilton Method Cake Courses, people are quite interested in cake decorating as both a hobby and a 'dream business.' I am happy to be a small part of all of this! 'Small' as in $2/slice!
The Mom of one of my daughter's friends told me yesterday, at the 2nd kids birthday party of the weekend for which I made the cake, that she really envied me because of my cake biz! Wow! She said she wished she could do the same, so I told her to 'just do it!' All you need is some really supportive friends to get you started . . . oh, and a little bit of talent. . . . !

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