Monday, January 26, 2009

Love This

I just love this pic! The NY Times chose such a charming, intimate photo for it's cover page. Can you just imagine what the First Couple were saying to each other as they walked the parade route?! I love how they're holding hands.

Youth . . . Optimism . . . Energy . . . Family . . . Hope
These are some of the words I heard used over and over again on Inauguration Day. It's going to be so nice to have a First Family with children near the same ages as mine. Everyone who has kids knows that kids help you keep it real. They connect you to the world in so many ways that you never expected before you had them.

And I so admire the Obamas for having a grandmother who lives with them, helping to raise the children. How many families in this country are struggling to find affordable, reliable child care and are yet cut off from family members who could help provide this kind of support? Because it truly takes a village to raise a child. Coming from an Asian background, it is nothing but natural to me to see a wise, helpful Grandma move in to help with kids. My own parents live over an hour away, but will come on a moment's notice if needed to help out in any way with the girls or our other every day needs. That's simply how it's done in our culture, and likely the same in traditional African American culture as well.

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